GearScore Open Beta!

When installing the beta you MUST DELETE the "GearScore Recount" folder.

Woot here it is guys, I feel confident enough to release this in a semi-public scale. Please remember this is still an unfinished product and may contain bugs and soon to be added features. These bugs and features only get fixed or added with your help and suggestions. So please come back and let me know!

to use the new features type "/gs" and enjoy the fun! Going into the database will by defualt list everyone in your party. You can select "Guild" to view known GearScores for members of your guild, or "ALL" to view the entire database.

When in database mode you can click on the column headers to sort the information by that type. (So clicking on "GearScore" will sort information by GearScore in Decreasing order, clicking it again will sort it in increasing order). If you click on a player's guild or class, or race you will auto search the database for those things. (So if you click "Mage" or type Mage into the search field you will see all mages gearscore's you've collected).
If you click on any player's name you will see that player's profile, right click to whisper them.

More to come, and more upgrades on the way, just wanted to give you guys a taste of this version.

Known Issues 7/30/09
  • "One-Hand" weapons appear as an improvment to players wearing 2-handed weapons.
  • Special Messages may not appear correctly for some guilds.
Resolved Issues 7/28/09 - These issues have been fixed. Please make sure to redownload the beta. If you still have the newest version and are having trouble let me know.
  • If 2 raid members look at the same profile at the same time they will both disconnect.
  • Error in line 164 or 165 regarding "Group" a nil value.
  • Tokens stopped displaying GearScore Information.


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