Performance / GearScore

At the request of my users I have created a Performance / GearScore mode in Recount. This is a really neat feature because you can see people who are are really not dpsing where they should when they have high gear. Or see when a low GearScore person is really skilled and killin' out the numbers

The current way I'm doing this is taking DPS and dividing by GearScore but multiplying by 100 so you don't end up with numbers like "0.12" or w/e. If you think this should be otherwise let me know.

I'll release it with 3.1.08 version probably tonight or sometime tomorrow. Its a small change in one section so I should be able to release it in the public version if it goes well.

I'm not sure I'll make one for healing players because Healing performance has a alot to do on group makeup and the class of the healer. Again, let me know what you think.


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