GearScore 3.0.x Open Beta
Welcome to the 3.0 GearScore Open Beta. Version 3.0 brings out a lot of new features including newly designed GUI elements, such as on-screen player profiles that work just like an in-game Armory. Even the options now have a visible GUI. Other enhancements include a better database that allows you to sort, search, and report information in an intuitive way. Communications have been optimized to allow better system performance. Items are now colored based on their GearScore in addition to their rarity. Tier-tokens and heirloom items now have GearScores!
To activate the new features just type in "/gs".
YOU MUST DISABLE 'GearScoreRecount' or you will experience bugs & errors.
Please remember that beta versions may contain bugs or other unexpected results. Please post any feedback here.
Version 3.0.06 - 8/27/09
NEWEST VERSION: Click Here to Download
Changes from 3.0.05
- Fixed an error in MasterLoot mode that made all rings seem negative to everyone.
- Enabled GearScores in LFG interface.
- Enabled option to show GearScore's in Chat Frames, "/gset chat"
- Using GearScores in chat frames will show messages like "[3. LookingForGroup][Arxkanite] (4597): Please Invite for Daily Heroic!"
- Clicking on the "(4597)" will open up GearScore profile for "Arxkanite" in this example.
- Updated Dungeon list to reflect blizzard's policy of no longer refering to the instances as normal/heroic but 10/25man instead.
- Added Recommended GearScores for Trial of the Crusader 10/25man
- Reduced system resources pertaining to textures and implimented more efficient code.
- Added "Empty Slot" background pictures on the profile screen.
- Removed "You arn't in a party." spam. This fix will actually remove the offending spam from ALL addons you have installed.
- Added standard "X" closing buttons to all frames.
- Added an "Invite" button to the Profiles Frame.
- Pruning will now correctly remove old entries.
- When looking up a profile that person's name will now automatically be inside the search box.
- Moved the "Profiles" button on the database frame and added a "Friends" button which will allow you to see all your friends GearScores.
- Spamming GearScore info to chat looks much better then before.
- GSPAM IS BACK! "/gspam
" or "/gspam " or "/gspam whisper " or finnaly "/gspam channel " - "
" can be "party" to spam your party, "raid" to spam your raid or "group" to spam your raid if your in one or your party otherwise. - "
" can be "raid", "party", "say", "channel", "whisper", "officer" - Example 1 "/gspam group" -- spams your raid or party depending which one your in.
- Example 2 "/gspam raid guild" -- spams your raid scores into guild chat
- Example 3 "/gspam party whisper Arxkanite" -- spams your party scores to player "Axkanite"
- Example 4 "/gspam group channel 1" --spams your group scores into channel #1
Changes from 3.0.04
- If somebody in your guild sends a GearScore Addon Message to Guild Channel, you will no longer repost it in party if they are also in your party.
- If somebody in your party sends a GearScore Addon Message to Party Channel, you will no longer repost it in guild if they are also in your guild.
- GearScore will now count all outgoing AddomMessages from all addons you have installed. If the number of outgoing messages excedes safety limits GearScore outgoing messages will fizzle. This should help prevent disconnection issues from GearScore when large bursts of data from other addons occur at the same time as GearScore's.
- You can now scroll though pages on the Database window with your mouse scroll wheel.
- Dates listed in the database window will now be listed as "x days old".
- It will no longer be possible to enter letters into numeric only fields.
- As you type info into the database's search box results will display automatically.
- A bug in Masterloot mode where a "One-Handed" weapon compared to a player with a "Two-Handed' weapon would show a GearScore increase equal to the GearScore of the "One-Handed" weapon; has been fixed. (Untested because I couldn't get a Warrior to help me!)
- GearScore will no longer scan players or send AddonMessages when a player loots an item or gold, or when they move an item in their inventory around, or when they post auctions. These were causing a masstive output of GearScore messages if several people were in a group and all had GearScore when one player loots a monster and gold is distrubted each player would then scan each other and themselves and output the info to guild/party.
- GearScore will no longer output an AddonMessage for each item of gear changed while swapping gear with the in-game equipment manager. It will now wait until change is complete then send a single updated message to guild/party.
- GearScore will now correctly detect if a warrior is TitanGripping when they use a 2h + shield.
- Fixed an issue with Localizations not working correctly.
- Added partial koKR Korean locale, Thanks Shoota!
- GearScore's for hunters now work differntly.
- GearScore's for bows/guns/crossbows for hunters will now be much higher then before (5.3224 times)
- GearScore's for other weapons for hunters will now be worth much less then before (0.3164 times)
- Hunter's will now see 2 scores on weapons, both a regular GearScore and the score value to a hunter. Unfortunately this score will appear on Wands because they are listed as the same item type as crossbows.
- Masterloot mode updated to include the new Hunter Calculations.
- For Example: If your hunter had [Furious Gladiator's Greatsword](GearScore: 805) and [Furious Gladiator's Longbow](GearScore: 127) your total GearScore from weapons would be 932.
- Under this Update Your Greatsword would be worth 254 GearScore, and your Longbow would be worth 675 GearScore for a total GearScore of 929. Three GearScore is lost in rounding of functions.
- However if you had a Shitty Weapon, and an amazing bow such as: [Ingvar's Monolithic Cleaver](GearScore: 337) and [Furious Gladiator's Longbow](GearScore: 127) your total GearScore from weapons would be 464.
- Under this Update your Cleaver would be worth 106 GearScore and your Longbow would be worth 675 GearScore for a total GearScore of 781. Now that your ranged item is weighted much higher for hunters you would have gained 317 GearScore.
- Howeer if you had a shitty bow, and an amazing weapon such as: [Furious Gladiator's Greatsword](GearScore: 805) and [Amanitar Skullbow](GearScore: 86) your total GearScore from weapons would be 891.
- Under this update your Greatsword would be worth 254 GearScore, and your Skullbow would be worth 457 GearScore for a total GearScore of 711. You would lose 180 GearScore because your bow isnt as good of quality as your mainhand.
- Because of the changes to hunters in this version players will see differn't GearScores for eachother for the first time in a very long time. Please ask your friends to upgrade.
Changes from 3.0.03
- Fixed a small bug.
- Enabled Localization on Race / Class
- Enabled Partial French localization
- Turned back on "/gset date" to view date & time info in tooltip.
- Disabled score-scanning during combat.
- Hopefully fixed an issue where some screen resolutions distorted the database window.
- Added a "Profiles" button so you can return to profile view directly from the database (Without clicking on a player's name).
- GearScore will no longer attempt to open a profile of an NPC you have targeted.
- Date/Time information will be color coded from Green --> Red the older it is.
- You will no longer be able to scroll past the end of the information in a table into empty pages.
- Undead will now be listed as 'Undead' instead of 'Scourge'.
- Alliance players will now correctly see "Save Horde Scores" in the options menu.
Changes from 3.0.01
- Fixed special Information for guilds
- Added more filters to help remove corrupted database entries.
- Fixed a bug with cross faction information entering the database.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing GearScore requests from transmitting to guild members.
- When a player in your group changes gear you will now automatically rescan them.
- Version # information is now transmitted again.
- Fixed a bug that caused some player's database entries to become corrupted.
- Fixed a bug in line 101 regarding attempt to access an index "?" a nil value.
Installation Instructions:
- Download file with link above.
- Open the zip file containing the mod.
- Copy all files to your "World of Warcraft\interface\addons\" folder.
- Restart World of Warcraft.
How to find the location of your addons folder.
- Right-click your "World of Warcraft" icon and choose "Properties"
- In the bottom left corner of the window click on "Open File Location"
- You will now be in your World of Warcraft folder. Open "\interface\addons\"
- If you do not have an "interface" folder create one, and create an "addons" folder within it.
Older Versions:
- GearScore 3.0.05- Click Here to Download
- GearScore 3.0.04- Click Here to Download
- GearScore 3.0.03- Click Here to Download
- GearScore 3.0.02- Click Here to Download
- GearScore 3.0.01- Click Here to Download